Thursday 16 December 2010

Audience Feedback on The Quaking Sound

This is feedback from my audience on what they think of my magazine.
If you are wondering about the second question, then there were no responses.

The main comments were as follows:

  • Genre as spot on in most places, 2 people saying a rock magazine, with one person referring it as a heavy metal magazine, which nevertheless is related to rock music.
  • Purpose and intention got no responses.
  • Target audience was mostly spot on, with responses stating younger and older teens, with 1 person saying 25 year olds, which was an interesting response.
The comments overall showed that I had a very good audience who easily recognized my target audience and genre, and I appreciated more the work that had gone into this project.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Flat-Plan Of Music Magazine

NOTE: This hopefully is the last thing that needs to go on the blog that hasn't already. Massive thanks to resources available at the time.

This is the original flat-plan for my music magazine. As you can see though, this was a very basic model for the magazine, and was improved on immensely for the final product using heavy detail and the usage of software such as Photoshop.

My original title page for the music magazine.

My original contents page for the music magazine.

The final version of the title page.

The final version of the contents page.

Brainstorming For Music Magazine

This is the initial brainstorming for my music magazine, that I did in order to determine who I wanted to appeal to my music magazine.

The ideas are not very clearly shown, but I can tell that I was considering target audience and the content of the magazine that would appeal to that audience. However, like the above flat-plan, it was a very basic idea at first that developed massively into the finished product.

My original brainstorming for the music magazine.

My target audience profile, which related to the brainstorming because they both tried to tell what my audience favored.

What Is Missing

This is probably going to be the final blog post for this project, not sure yet, but potentially might.

Because of today's sit-in demonstration and subsequent school closure at 2:00 pm, I was not able to do what I had planned to do in Period 5, which was try and get stuff posted as much as possible. Because of this setback, I will state what is missing from the blog so that people will know what I have done that isn't on here.

1. Flat-plan of music magazine, which I did handwritten. Unsure if I can get a camera and connector cable that will allow me to post this before midnight, if so I will post it.
2. Brainstorm of ideas for music magazine. Same reasons as flat-plan.

Apart from them, everything else is on the blog in some way or form. I will obviously update before midnight if I manage to get these things on the blog.

Until then, bye.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Music Magazine Band Article

Took a bit of time, but finally got it uploaded. This is the article about the band that I made with Mr Rolfe, which was done on Pages. Zoom in for a better view.

What did I learn from the progression from the preliminary task to the full product?

NOTE: This document mainly answers evaluation question 7, while referring to question 6 as well. Zoom in to see more clearly.

Monday 6 December 2010

What have I learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this project?

NOTE: This document mainly answers evaluation question 6. Use zoom to see more clearly.

What kind of institution might distribute my music magazine and why?

NOTE: This document mainly answers evaluation question 3. Use zoom to see more clearly.
Here are the links to the websites if you want to see them.

HMV                               NME                                      Kerrang!

Thursday 2 December 2010

How My Media Product Uses, Develops and Challenges Codes/Conventions of Real Media

NOTE: This post mainly answers evaluation question 1. This post also includes the title and contents pages of my music magazine.

My media product uses and challenges certain codes and conventions of everyday real media. I used conventions such as choice of masthead, main image and the style of writing to get my points across.

This is my magazine's masthead. I have chosen a particularly bold colour to use to make it really stand out as a piece of media. The font is Rocketship Town, one I have downloaded from and already commented on in an earlier blog post, saying that this font is very noticeable and effective, making this stand out from the rest. My strategy mainly revolves around trying to make things stand out, because the more noticeable things are, the bigger the impact they will have.
My masthead. Sorry the page is so long, but the Photoshop format made it this long.
Adobe Photoshop has been a very helpful program in challenging the standard conventions in media. It has been helpful in doing this because of features such as the text tool and select tool that enable me to make the publication look bigger and better than most standard media products. Using filters such as undercolouring and adding layers such as a drop shadow or outer glow enable me to improve the masthead, strapline, fonts and other features in order to make the finished media product really stand out from the rest.

Photoshop logo.
My music magazine's title page. Note how significant and stylized it looks in order to draw attention. 

My music magazine's contents page. Note the application of font, imagery and use of colour on the page.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

How My Media Product Uses, Develops and Challenges Codes/Conventions of Real Media - Current Progress

Not complete as of yet, will aim to complete as soon as possible, earliest tomorrow.
Sorry for delays.

Saturday 27 November 2010

Representation Of Social Groups Final Version

This is with the fourth slide added and complete.

Delays have occurred because I have been ill since Thursday evening so I haven't really had the strength to post. Hopefully this will be gone soon.

NOTE: This presentation mainly answers evaluation question 2. It also evidences evaluation questions 4 and 5 and answers these ones as well.

Thursday 25 November 2010

Photography for The Quaking Sound

Posted here are the photographs I took for my music magazine, which I will use accordingly in the magazine.

I took these on Wednesday 24th November with Ben Hayes.

I was focusing mainly on attitude when taking these photos, in an attempt to get the right impression of my target audience. I possibly will do specific comments - I have not decided yet.

UPDATE: Not sure I will do comments on the photos specifically, this is partly due to that I do not have a planning sheet for making comments, and partly because of other matters.

Sunday 21 November 2010

Presentation of Representation of Social Groups

Posted is a Powerpoint presentation uploaded via SlideShare, that explains about the target audience and demographics of my publication as well as the research I wnet into and how it relates to this publication.
SlideShare( is a website that allows the uploading of presentations and documents for other people to see.
NOTE: 4th slide is not complete because because of problems with font. I will aim to complete this slide tomorrow.
UPDATE: Problem fixed. The proper font is now on and I should have the 4th slide posted by tonight.

Thursday 25th November: The presentation is now complete. Sorry for delays. I will have re-posted the presentation by tonight and I will also post the photography I did.

Thursday 11 November 2010

Studying Reader Profiles

Late post. See two posts below for more details.

EDIT: Using a handout provided to us by Mr Rosen, our task was to compare two magazines' respective reader profiles and analyse them to determine their reader's interests and why they buy the magazine.

Comparative Analysis and Evaluation of Music Press - Front Page

Late post. See the post below for more details.

EDIT: This task consisted of comparing two magazine covers and identifying the target audience they appeal to, using factors such as the cover stars and the colours used on the cover.

Problems With Posting

Am having problems posting things on to the blog because of two things.

1. Have only been able to post things that have already been saved as jpegs (so things like Mr Rolfe's work I have not been able to upload) . Windows computers seem to have no function to save documents as jpegs, so I believe I can only do this on a mac.

2. I do not have the latest version of Abode Photoshop on my labtop at home that I use to upload, and the computer does have it but is very old and takes a long time to work. I am therefore unable to post anything related to Photoshop unless I am at school. Some are not saved as jpegs (problem 1.) and so I again require the usage of a mac.

My uncle will be giving me the disc to install Photoshop on my labtop fairly soon, so hopefully the second problem will not be too much of a hassle for long. I hope people understand if posting is delayed somewhat.

Sunday 7 November 2010

Analysing Preliminary Task

Looking at my front page and contents page, I can see several things that make my school magazine  stand out from the rest.

The font for the text and masthead is quite large and significant, making it stand out amongst other magazines and gives it a unique feel. Purple is the main colour used throughout, a colour that appeals to both genders in a way. Both pages are also nicely detailed, with plenty of features included on both pages and so interesting people with a love of information. Finally, the pictures shown of the school buildings appeal to students and staff alike as the school may get publicity from this publication.

NOTE: I will have to post work from before tomorrow as I have not been able to save them as jpegs. Apologies if there is some delays in posting.

Thursday 4 November 2010

Music Magazine Font Choice

This is the font choice picked for the magazine. Specific details on it are included.
NOTE: Apologies for what looks like 'ike' in the third paragraph - the word should be 'like'.

Contents Page

Posted is the contents page for my school magazine. Please comment on its appearance - I will possibly take the advice and try to improve it.

Target Audience Profile

Posted is the target audience profile for my music magazine. Please comment on what you think about it, and possible improvements.

EDIT: This target audience profile helps to identify what my target audience should be most interested in. This also signifies who should be reading my music magazine.

Monday 1 November 2010

Title Page of Magazine

Posted is the title page of my school magazine which I will use for the preliminary task. Please comment as to whether it looks appealing or not.

Photos for Magazine

Posted here are the photographs I took of the school in order to help with the preliminary task.

I took these on Friday 29th October.

The sun is used in all pictures in order to bring importance to the images and make certain features stand out, and all shots are outside to bring added ambience to the photos. Look at the captions for more detailed evaluations.

Grassy Area with stones
A medium long shot, the stones may represent pedastals, or symbols - stepping stones of knowledge and profound thoughts about the world.

Outside of Assembly Hall
A medium long shot, requires cropping in order to make sure only the building is in shot, the plain background of the building may symbolize a look back to the beginning of the world,and how buildings were constructed.

Side of school
A view of the windows is seen here, maybe providing a window to what happens inside the school. I thought that standing to the side enhances the effect because it is like reflecting on the past, and what the school has become.

Front of school
Standing proudly in front of the school, the entrance mayhap serves as a beacon of the future, and may aspire people to ascertain key values in the school. 

Masthead Research

Posted here is my work on researching various mastheads for several magazines. We did this to identify what target audience each magazine would appeal to. I hope this information proves useful.


Wednesday 27 October 2010

Preliminary Task Rundown

The main aim of the preliminary task is to create the front page and contents page of a school-based magazine.

I used Abode Photoshop for this purpose, and also aimed to take pictures of the surrounding area and also several students which I could utilise as photographs to place in the magazine to make it look more noticeable and make it look unique, or at least more interesting to look at and read.

This was done by using Photoshop's many functions, including enlarging the font and changing fills in order to make the magazine's masthead look as astonishing as possible, adding a link to a website in case people want to find out more about the magazine, and mentioning several features along the strap-line so that the reader knows what is in the magazine.


I also used iPhoto in order to upload the photographs that I took for the front page of the magazine, and used this to assist in developing the magazine.


Tuesday 28 September 2010

Content Analysis and Target Audience - Top Of The Pops

I have been exploring the content of two magazines and working out their target audience by analysing this content.
The first magazine that I examined was Top Of The Pops:

Top Of The Pops is mainly a gossip magazine, talking about the latest stars in the music industry and also including several interviews with them to know about their lives and their habits.
I think that Top Of The Pops' target audience are young girls aged 10-15. I think this because the magazine usually shows attractive movie stars and girls would find them popular.
UPDATE: Top Of The Pops shows evidence of being a surveillance magazine as it gives information on the lives of popular music stars and their interests, and as a form of diversion because of the content and allowing readers to send in questions.

The second magazine that I examined was Kerrang!.

Kerrang is mainly a rock magazine, giving out interviews with famous members of the rock music industry and the adverts mainly to do with music and concerts, letting the reader know who will be there and when the concert begins.
I think that Kerrang's target audience is older rock lovers and concert goers because there is lots of information on concerts and the content and design is more edgier and less family friendly than Top Of The Pops.
Kerrang mainly shows evidence of being a surveillance magazine because of the concert advertisements and the interviews with rock stars, and also a diversion because the concerts are shown as a place to go for a disraction and to have a fun time.

That's all until next time...

Wednesday 22 September 2010

The Final Countdown - Europe

Happens to be one of my favourite songs ever, so take the time to listen to it. I understand that it might not be to everyone's tastes.
Oh, and turn the annotations off (button on the bottom-right of the video) if you just want to listen to the music).

Youtube Link

Here is a link to one of the best sites on the web, Youtube, where you can watch many different videos depending on your various interests.

My Brief

My brief requires me to...

1. Complete a preliminary task (designing the front page of a school magazine, using photoshop).
2. Complete a main production task (producing said music magazine, including front page, contents page and main feature of an artist I want to promote).
3.Completing an electronic evaluation of my production work (involving this blog)

I will aim to accomplish these things in order to get the highest mark possible.

Monday 20 September 2010


Hi, my name is John, or you may call me J-Man if you prefer.
Welcome to my blog. Of course it's like most of the other ones but you can't blame a guy for trying.
I will be posting (mostly) regularly to update this page as and when is needed. Until the next post, keep watching the skis!
Uh, skies.