Wednesday 8 December 2010

What Is Missing

This is probably going to be the final blog post for this project, not sure yet, but potentially might.

Because of today's sit-in demonstration and subsequent school closure at 2:00 pm, I was not able to do what I had planned to do in Period 5, which was try and get stuff posted as much as possible. Because of this setback, I will state what is missing from the blog so that people will know what I have done that isn't on here.

1. Flat-plan of music magazine, which I did handwritten. Unsure if I can get a camera and connector cable that will allow me to post this before midnight, if so I will post it.
2. Brainstorm of ideas for music magazine. Same reasons as flat-plan.

Apart from them, everything else is on the blog in some way or form. I will obviously update before midnight if I manage to get these things on the blog.

Until then, bye.

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