Monday 1 November 2010

Photos for Magazine

Posted here are the photographs I took of the school in order to help with the preliminary task.

I took these on Friday 29th October.

The sun is used in all pictures in order to bring importance to the images and make certain features stand out, and all shots are outside to bring added ambience to the photos. Look at the captions for more detailed evaluations.

Grassy Area with stones
A medium long shot, the stones may represent pedastals, or symbols - stepping stones of knowledge and profound thoughts about the world.

Outside of Assembly Hall
A medium long shot, requires cropping in order to make sure only the building is in shot, the plain background of the building may symbolize a look back to the beginning of the world,and how buildings were constructed.

Side of school
A view of the windows is seen here, maybe providing a window to what happens inside the school. I thought that standing to the side enhances the effect because it is like reflecting on the past, and what the school has become.

Front of school
Standing proudly in front of the school, the entrance mayhap serves as a beacon of the future, and may aspire people to ascertain key values in the school. 

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