Thursday 2 December 2010

How My Media Product Uses, Develops and Challenges Codes/Conventions of Real Media

NOTE: This post mainly answers evaluation question 1. This post also includes the title and contents pages of my music magazine.

My media product uses and challenges certain codes and conventions of everyday real media. I used conventions such as choice of masthead, main image and the style of writing to get my points across.

This is my magazine's masthead. I have chosen a particularly bold colour to use to make it really stand out as a piece of media. The font is Rocketship Town, one I have downloaded from and already commented on in an earlier blog post, saying that this font is very noticeable and effective, making this stand out from the rest. My strategy mainly revolves around trying to make things stand out, because the more noticeable things are, the bigger the impact they will have.
My masthead. Sorry the page is so long, but the Photoshop format made it this long.
Adobe Photoshop has been a very helpful program in challenging the standard conventions in media. It has been helpful in doing this because of features such as the text tool and select tool that enable me to make the publication look bigger and better than most standard media products. Using filters such as undercolouring and adding layers such as a drop shadow or outer glow enable me to improve the masthead, strapline, fonts and other features in order to make the finished media product really stand out from the rest.

Photoshop logo.
My music magazine's title page. Note how significant and stylized it looks in order to draw attention. 

My music magazine's contents page. Note the application of font, imagery and use of colour on the page.

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