Thursday 11 November 2010

Problems With Posting

Am having problems posting things on to the blog because of two things.

1. Have only been able to post things that have already been saved as jpegs (so things like Mr Rolfe's work I have not been able to upload) . Windows computers seem to have no function to save documents as jpegs, so I believe I can only do this on a mac.

2. I do not have the latest version of Abode Photoshop on my labtop at home that I use to upload, and the computer does have it but is very old and takes a long time to work. I am therefore unable to post anything related to Photoshop unless I am at school. Some are not saved as jpegs (problem 1.) and so I again require the usage of a mac.

My uncle will be giving me the disc to install Photoshop on my labtop fairly soon, so hopefully the second problem will not be too much of a hassle for long. I hope people understand if posting is delayed somewhat.

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