Wednesday 27 October 2010

Preliminary Task Rundown

The main aim of the preliminary task is to create the front page and contents page of a school-based magazine.

I used Abode Photoshop for this purpose, and also aimed to take pictures of the surrounding area and also several students which I could utilise as photographs to place in the magazine to make it look more noticeable and make it look unique, or at least more interesting to look at and read.

This was done by using Photoshop's many functions, including enlarging the font and changing fills in order to make the magazine's masthead look as astonishing as possible, adding a link to a website in case people want to find out more about the magazine, and mentioning several features along the strap-line so that the reader knows what is in the magazine.


I also used iPhoto in order to upload the photographs that I took for the front page of the magazine, and used this to assist in developing the magazine.
